Wellness For Life!!!


Wellness For Life!!!

At the Nutritional Wellness Center of Ithaca, our NY-based nutrition practice works directly with individuals to help them regain balance with their health.

Our mission is to help as many people as possible be healthier and happier without the use of unnecessary drugs and surgery.

We offer safe and natural solutions to many health problems. We help clients from all age ranges, from newborn babies to clients who are well into their 90s!

The first step is to make an Initial Assessment appointment with our practitioners. This appointment includes all the necessary testing to determine if we can help. Nutrition Response Testing® is used to analyze your body to determine the possible underlying causes that may be contributing to non-optimal health conditions.

We design clinical nutrition programs based on the findings unique to each individual. We help the body correct nutrition deficiencies by recommending the appropriate nutritional support, lifestyle changes, and dietary changes. We use designed clinical nutrition to enable the body to repair itself by addressing nutritional deficiencies and organ dysfunction.

Health concerns we can help with:

  • Diabetes
  • Obesity
  • High cholesterol
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart health
  • Digestive problems
  • Food cravings and poor eating habits
  • Stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Chronic pain
  • Skin conditions
  • Low energy/fatigue

With our team’s help, clients pave the way to a healthier body and improve their quality of life.

Will nutritional changes and a personalized health improvement program help my health?

Yes! Certain conditions, such as digestive problems, are commonly addressed with diet changes and proper supplementation. Clients who closely follow their personalized health improvement program can see dramatic changes in their health.

Many other conditions can be improved with designed clinical nutrition, and this is why it is crucial to schedule an Initial Assessment with our Nutrition Response Testing® practitioners.

Nutritional Wellness Center of Ithaca’s purpose is to safely support those who are looking to improve their health through nutrition. We do this by using Nutrition Response Testing®, whole food supplements, and most importantly, lifestyle and dietary changes. Our mission is to help as many people as humanly possible be healthier and happier without the use of unnecessary drugs or surgery. We do this by providing a variety of services to help each client reclaim their health.

Start taking charge of your health today!

At the Nutritional Wellness Center of Ithaca, you can obtain the guidance you need to start living a healthier life. Our practice is an established facility that has been a part of the community since 2006, located conveniently in Ithaca, NY, at 520 West Green Street. Call (607) 277-1964 to request your appointment and get started in taking charge of your overall health and wellness.

Health Concerns We Can Help You With

Low Energy/Fatigue

Low Energy

Weight Management


Stress and Anxiety

Stress &

Chronic Pain


Skin Problems


Food Cravings


Digestive Problems


Poor Eating Habits

Poor Eating

Nutrition Response Testing

Nutrition Response

Nutrition Response Testing® is a non-invasive analysis of the body, that helps to identify barriers to healing and uncover organs.

Healthy Keto Weight Loss Program

Weight Management Program

We are proud to offer a health and weight loss program aligned with Nutritional Wellness Center’s fantastic health and wellness programs.

Nutritional Coaching

Holistic Nutritional

Series of one on one nutritional coaching. Feel empowered about your health.

What Our Clients Are Saying

Healthy choices introduced by Nutritional Wellness Center bring great outcomes for this client.

Video Review from Lindsay - Nutritional Wellness Center

Hi my name is Lindsay Hart and I’ve been a nutritional wellness client since January of 2019. Before coming to the Nutritional Wellness Centre in Ithaca my health was probably on a spiral of bad food choices. It was pizza and alcohol and sugars and I was just having a feeling of general unwellness and lots of information (inflammation) and bloating and so I had heard of the Nutritional Wellness Centre through a colleague and I decided to give it a try. So, I’ve been coming here since January of 2019. My health now is incredible. I am sleeping through the night, my liver is much happier, I am getting the immune support and support through the supplements that I need that my body needs, in order to excel at the gym and have clarity and to be able to do all the things that I do with my job with my business with my kids with my family with everything. I’ve got more energy now. I’ve lost weight I don’t have joint pain I don’t have any inflammation. It’s incredible. To take it to the next level, I decided to join the ketogenic weight loss program, with longevity fitness and health and it has been incredible because I know myself and I know I need the accountability and so checking in with the keto coach every week, via zoom has been incredible, also tracking my food and intake really shows me my food choices. So I decided to do this in order to, for the long run make better food choices and just switch out my diet in order to have that longevity for better food choices and just health in general and it has been eye-opening and incredible especially when you track your food to see what exactly you’re eating and I was just telling the story today to somebody that I’m not really checking my weight but I went and school shopping for the kids and I went to buy jeans about two weeks ago and they fit just right and then just yesterday I put them on and I need to sized out already. So, without even realizing it just having the healthy choices and being aware of what I’m eating and putting into my body has resulted in these great outcomes. So, I’m very happy with it and I enjoy the accountability factor.

Make an investment on your overall health today!

Video Review from Haley - Nutritional Wellness Center

My name is Haley Board and I’ve been a client at nutritional wellness centre since 2014. So, seven years now and my health before I came was not good. I had, I had Lyme disease um the summer before I came and went through all of the antibiotics and after I finished all of that, I was noticing that my Lyme symptoms were still hanging on and I remember my grandmother saying don’t you think you might need a Lyme specialist and, and, I was noticing that that the symptoms were aggravated by things that I was eating and drinking and so immediately nutritional wellness centre came to mind because actually my both of my parents had already been clients for several years and, and, couldn’t say enough good things about it and so when I put the two together and realized that the symptoms were kind of being aggravated and sticking around and made worse by different food things and I thought I should probably come here and get it checked out and it turned out that, so we had a lot of experience with helping people with Lyme disease and helping manage symptoms and things like that and so I, I, knew as soon as I walked in that I was in the right hands and in the right place. Then as we began sort of chasing the Lyme symptoms out, to my great surprise and delight all kinds of other things that I’ve been dealing with for a really long time started improving as well. Things that I thought I was just going to have to live with because I had been living with them for so long like history of horrible digestion and food allergies and you know I had just been a really sickly little kid and didn’t eat very well ever in my life even though I thought I did and I discovered that I was really a sugar addict and I had severe seasonal allergies especially in the spring. I had a history of all kinds of mood symptoms depression anxiety, stuff that was related to you know menstrual cycle kind of issues, severe PMFs and I was basically being treated for it by being on the birth control pill and so we started unravelling everything and not all at once but piece by piece and slowly started seeing improvement in all of those areas which, which has just been amazing and I’ve learned so much Sophie has taught me so much and about health in general and then you know I just through the process, I’ve learned so much about my own body and what it needs and I feel like I’ve really become a student of you know my health and it’s made me curious to just go farther and farther and see what else I can I can do to become even more and more healthy in in general. I, I, really truly believe that it’s um the best investment I can make in my own future is to be as strong and healthy as I can be as I age through the years and I would say that I’m sure I’ll be a client for life you.

A healthier liver, a healthier you!

Video Review from Rebecca - Nutritional Wellness Center

My name is Rebecca jones. I have been a patient at nutritional wellness centre since 2016. I’ve actually been a Lyme warrior since 1990 and one of the reasons why I came here, because I heard about the nutrition response testing or the kinesiology because my liver enzymes, my AST and my alts have been elevated since over 20 years and my primary care doctor was very concerned about my liver and my overall health with my liver so that was one of the targeted reasons why I wanted to come to nutritional wellness centre to see what can we do about this liver. So, in 2016 I started coming big commitment for me I came weekly started the detox response testing was able to cater the type of supplements that I needed in order to detox this liver. Within one year, so in 2017 within one year my liver enzymes are normal. I now have normal liver testing and have had normal liver testing for over five years. So, I really highly recommend anybody that’s looking to help their overall health whether or not they have chronic disease like my own Lyme disease and come here and figure out what type of specific supplements and nutritional needs that you have in order to become a healthier you thank you.

Video Review from Liz - Nutritional Wellness Center

Video Review from Elizabeth - Nutritional Wellness Center

Video Review from Mary - Nutritional Wellness Center

Video Review from Carl - Nutritional Wellness Center

Meet the Practitioners

Sophie Alexander - Nutritional Wellness Center

Sophie Alexander, MS
Owner and Lead Practitioner

For years Sophie struggled with digestive issues, environmental allergies, blood sugar issues and chronic Lyme disease symptoms. Conventional treatments left her without answers and she began to explore alternatives. In 2009 she learned of the Nutritional Wellness Center and Nutrition Response Testing®.

Fabiola Reyes - Nutritional Wellness Center

Fabiola Reyes

For years Fabiola struggled with debilitating migraines, frequent headaches, and lack of energy. After being bounced from specialist to specialist, she finally found Nutrition Response Testing®. Fabiola is a proud student member of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals and the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health.

How Do We Help You?

We use a non-invasive system called
Nutrition Response Testing®

Sophie with a patient