Meet Us

Sophie Alexander, M.S in Nutrition
Owner and Lead Practitioner

For years, Sophie struggled with digestive issues, environmental allergies, blood sugar issues, and chronic Lyme disease symptoms. Conventional treatments left her without answers, and she began to explore alternatives. In 2009, she learned of the Nutritional Wellness Center and Nutrition Response Testing®.

She loved that the program was so personalized and that there was no guesswork or opinion on what was the right diet and supplements for her. At NWC, she finally got to the root of her digestive, blood sugar, and immune problems and cleared up some other symptoms as well, like menstrual cramps! She was hooked and knew she wanted to use nutrition to help people achieve better health.  

She went back to school and graduated with a Masters Degree in Human Nutrition. She joined the team at NWC in 2012 and completed her Advanced Clinical Training in Nutrition Response Testing® in 2014.

In December 2018, Sophie became the proud owner of Nutritional Wellness Center, where she continues her dream of helping others regain their health! 

“I love teaching women, men, and children of all ages how to improve their health with nutrition! The longer I do this work, the more I am in awe of its power to transform the health of my clients, my family, and myself. Whether it be for headaches, digestive issues, athletic performance, diabetes, hormone balancing, or fighting a cold, this is the way to go for optimal health!”

Sophie Alexander - Nutritional Wellness Center
Sophie Alexander - My story

Fabiola Reyes, Practitioner, Board Certified Holistic Health Practioner, Certified in Applied Kinesiology and Practice Manager

For years, Fabiola struggled with debilitating migraines, frequent headaches, and a lack of energy. After being bounced from specialist to specialist, she finally found Nutrition Response Testing®.

“I was at a loss; no matter what I tried, I was resigned to living with migraines and headaches. I had countless visits to the chiropractor and needed to depend on painkillers just so that I could function. A few years ago, a friend of mine introduced me to NutritionResponse Testing®; I was skeptical, but I had nothing to lose and so much to gain, so I started my Personal Designed Clinical Nutrition Program. After working with my practitioner and making the necessary lifestyle changes, my health started improving, and one day, I noticed that I had not had a migraine in months!”

At that point, it became clear to her that she could help others regain their health as she regained hers. Fabiola has been NWC’s Practice Manager and, more recently, became a Nutrition Response Testing® practitioner. She is currently seeing clients alongside Sophie Alexander, NWC’s owner and Lead Practioner.

“I love helping others regain their health! With Nutrition Response Testing®, I know that we can pinpoint the root cause of non-optimal health conditions and make a difference in someone’s life!”

She continues to expand upon her nutrition education as she studies to become a Board Certified Holistic Nutrition Professional. 

Fabiola is a proud student member of the National Association of Nutrition Professionals, the International Foundation for Nutrition and Health, and the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. 


Fabiola Reyes - Nutritional Wellness Center

Bonnie Sciarabba
Client Advocate

When I came to NWC, I was looking for a miracle! I lived with itching that had started as a minimal patch of itchy skin ten years before my Initial Assessment and slowly kept getting worse every year. I’d been bounced back and forth from allergists to dermatologists looking for help, with little relief. I was on over ten different prescription and over-the-counter medications for many health problems (gas, bloating, heartburn, constipation, depression, low energy, brain fog, hot flashes, itching, and more). It took several years, but through the help of NWC, I was able to get off my last medication!!! I’m healing my body through safe, clean nutrition instead of masking my symptoms with chemicals. Through my Nutritional Wellness Center Health Improvement Program, not only have I been able to reduce or eliminate the long list of symptoms I walked in these doors with, but my itching is completely gone! Nutritional Wellness Center was the miracle I was looking for!

Bonnie works closely with Sophie & Fabiola as the Client Advocate to help clients achieve their health goals. She also delivers our Nutritional Coaching program. Bonnie enjoys spending her free time cooking and camping and has a life-long pursuit of health education.

Bonnie Sciarabba - Nutritional Wellness Center


Haley Ward
Front Desk Manager 

I became a client of the Nutritional Wellness Center in March of 2014 after a diagnosis of Lyme Disease. I had taken a course of antibiotics and was still experiencing symptoms, which I could tell were exacerbated when I ate certain foods. Both of my parents were already long-time clients at that point, and so I knew that NWC would hold the key to helping me heal. To my delight, I quickly learned that in addition to the Lyme Disease symptoms, Sophie was able to help me with a whole host of other problems that I had lived with my whole life and which I thought I would just have to “deal with” forever.

Problems such as poor digestion, extreme seasonal allergies, depression, anxiety, difficult menstrual cycles, sugar addiction, and just a general sense of feeling unwell, weighed down, and much older than 36 years. Over time, I have learned so much about whole food nutrition, the significance of true detox, and, most importantly, how to give my body what it needs to heal and be optimally well. Today, I am thrilled to say that all of those old symptoms and problems are a thing of the past. I now view ‘wellness’ as a journey that I will be on for as long as there is still breath in me. Thanks to Sophie and the Nutritional Wellness Center, I am inspired to keep learning, and I am motivated to continue on my path toward optimal health. I am an NWC client for life, and I have joined the team here with the hope of being able to help others discover their own path to optimal health.


Ryan Kimball
Certified Health and Keto Coach

Ryan has always had a passion for helping others. This, coupled with a lifelong interest in nutrition and fitness, led to working as a consultant for health professionals and working as a manager at the Nutritional Wellness Center, and now directly helping clients as a Certified Ketogenic and Health Coach.

“I was always active and worked at eating correctly based on what I had picked up, but I had never really engaged in becoming a certified health professional myself. At some point in my adult life, I could not keep up with life’s demands and maintain my fitness level. I had hit a plateau. Pushing beyond a certain point leads to headaches, fatigue, and joint pain. Not wanting to slow down and knowing that there were solutions out there I had not tried yet, I found myself engaging in a ketogenic diet with intermittent fasting. The results were amazing. Increased energy, faster recovery times after physical exertion or stressful life situations, no joint pain, no headaches, and a renewed vigor for life in general. This, combined with my experience with whole food nutrition, was everything I was looking for. At this point, I decided to become a Certified Ketogenic and Health Coach and begin helping others achieve similar gains.”

“I was already in the right place to do so, and after finishing my certification as a Certified Ketogenic and Health Coach, I began coaching clients in the community. I love seeing others improve their health and achieve their ideal body composition and fitness levels! I know that I’m making a difference and truly helping people improve their lives.”

Ryan continues to expand his nutrition education and is currently studying to become a Board Certified Holistic Nutrition Professional.

Ryan Kimball


Ruby Valoy
Practitioner Assistant

I became a client at Nutritional Wellness Center in 2019, joining up with my mom and brother, who had been clients for a few years and had seen significant benefits from the program. Since becoming a client, a lot of the many digestive issues that I came in for are gone! Sophie and Fabiola, and all the NWC staff members have always been so kind and responsive, and I’ve always felt like I was in great hands. I see how much improvement I’ve made in my health and am so grateful for it. I would like to thank my mom for her support. I’m committed to supporting my health the best way I know how with the help of the Nutritional Wellness Center. Now, I am a part of the team helping others reclaim their health! I love being on staff here and now and seeing from my new perspective even more evidence of what an excellent, caring, and skilled team this is!


How was the Nutritional Wellness Center started?

Tara Lambert Kalajian, CNC

Tara founded the Nutritional Wellness Center in 2005. She owned and operated the center until December 2018, when Sophie became the proud new owner of NWC and continued to embody its mission.

Tara is a Certified Nutritional Consultant and has been practicing nutrition since 2003. Helping others reach their highest potential has been her lifelong purpose; through nutrition and lifestyle consulting, she has helped THOUSANDS of people improve their health and lives! Her goal has been to help people achieve and maintain optimal health so they can go about their own life’s purpose while feeling full of energy and vitality!

Tara chose nutrition and functional wellness as her career because of her own health journey. She has experienced lifelong health challenges, some of which were quite serious. In her quest for optimal health, she has visited nearly every type of doctor, nutritionist, and holistic practitioner. She has taken nearly every supplement under the sun, tried many medications, and tried nearly every healing modality out there. She has recovered her health more times than she can count and has learned A LOT along the way. Tara would say that she has become an EXPERT in understanding what works for an individual and doesn’t. 

Tara continues her journey in New York City with her husband, and together they are creating a life full of love, fashion, and health! More than anything, they both love to help people. 

You can follow Tara on social media: @taralambertkalajian

Tara Lambert Kalajian, CNC Founder