Client Testimonials

“What Was It Like Before You Came To See Us?
Before I came to NWC, I was experiencing stomach pain, lack of appetite and weight loss due to gastroparesis (slow stomach). I also had low energy, anxiety and depression.
How Is It Now?
Currently, with the way I’m eating and with the supplemental nutrition I get from Standard Process, I don’t experience stomach pain unless I overeat at a meal. My appetite has improved significantly and I have energy throughout the day. I don’t feel that “foggy brain” that I used to. My family has commented that I’m like a new person????”
– J.E

“What Was It Like Before You Came To See Us?
When I first came to Nutritional Wellness Center, I felt very broken. I was hurting all over and felt 10 years older than I am. My body ached, my brain was fogged and I was confused and sad.
How Is It Now?
Today, I’m a completely new person. My body aches are gone and I’m less foggy and I have a clear path when it comes to nutrition. I’ve learned so much and while I don’t always make every perfect choice, I know for sure that how I feel is in direct correlation to how I eat and the chemicals that surround me.”
– C.C

“What Was It Like Before You Came To See Us?
My reason for coming to the Nutritional Wellness Center was primarily for digestive issues. I experienced severe heartburn daily, relying on over-the-counter antacids on a daily basis. I also had several episodes of diverticulitis. I was unhappy with my weight and unable to lose weight. I had chronic insomnia, sleeping 3-4 hours per night and only getting a full night’s sleep several times per month.
How Is It Now?
For five months I have not taken a single antacid! The very few episodes of heartburn I had in the beginning were easily remedied by apple cider vinegar in water. I haven’t had any heartburn at all in several months, and no symptoms of diverticulitis. My sleep is improving. I have many more 6-7 hour nights and an occasional 8 hours of sleep. Overall I feel much better and have lost 9 lbs. !”
– J.P

“What Was It Like Before You Came To See Us?
I was not sleeping well. I had extreme indigestion, depression and fibromyalgia. I also had sweet cravings, diverticulitis, low energy, and was tired a lot during the day. My stomach hurt when I ate. Anxiety and concentration were issues.
How Is It Now?
Everything about my health is so much better, from sleeping regularly to eating well. I’m off depression medication. I have energy now. My stomach is not hurting after I eat. My anxiety is lessened. I’m able to really make good choices around food. Sweet cravings have lessened and I just feel so much better.”
– C.C

“What Was It Like Before You Came To See Us?
I was tired, and in a bad routine of eating not great foods.
How Is It Now?
I am not as tired and am aware of putting good foods in my mouth!”
– J.S

“What Was It Like Before You Came To See Us?
I was sick and tired and had visual migraines and body aches, severe bloating and food sensitivity.
How Is It Now?
Lots of energy. Few aches, if ever, and no visual migraines. Can workout intensely at the gym every day. Can eat more foods without such severe bloating.”

“What Was It Like Before You Came To See Us?
Before coming to NWC, I was struggling with continual weight gain (over 40 lbs. in 6 years, gaining 10 lbs. training for a half marathon event) and extreme fatigue. One doctor diagnosed hypothyroidism and had me take medication, while another doctor warned me that taking the thyroid medication was not a good idea. While my energy increased on medication and I felt better overall, I wanted to have my life back!
How Is It Now?
My sugar cravings have decreased and I’ve found ways to feed these cravings, which are quite satisfying and delicious. My energy level is way up and I’ve lost almost 10 pounds. I’m enjoying finding new ways to enjoy “sweets” and new grain-free recipes. It’s nice knowing which foods are right for my body instead of trying to fit my body into one of the latest diet fads.”
– L.K

“What Was It Like Before You Came To See Us?
I was having trouble with persistent post-nasal drip and cough. I also had frequent heartburn and unpredictable, inconsistent bowels. I had tried seeing my regular doctor, an allergist, an ENT doctor and gastroenterologist. I went through nine months of allergy shots and tried numerous different medications with no relief.
How Is It Now?
My bowel issues are significantly better, as is the heartburn. It has taken longer for the post-nasal drip and cough but that is finally starting to show significant improvement as well. I have lost weight and have more energy as well.”
More Client Reviews
Not Out of Breath!
“Before coming to Nutritional Wellness Center I was feeling a general decline in my overall health. I felt out of breath too easily, had constantly aching joints, was battling not to gain weight, suffered from insomnia and motion sickness, had a lot of lower bowel gas, a perpetually constant runny nose and post nasal drip, and was frequently aware of inappropriate spikes in my heart rate. I’d been diagnosed with osteopenia and degenerative disc disease and had been receiving chiropractic treatments for years. I feel years, if not decades, younger! Within two days of making dietary changes, my small joint pain ended completely. I eat till I’m full, whenever I’m hungry and have dropped the extra pounds and maintained my weight. I haven’t been bothered by a runny nose, post nasal drip, gas or motion sickness. I have much more energy and haven’t noticed spikes in my heart rate or feeling out of breath. I still have trouble sleeping now and then, but the episodes are less frequent. I continue treatments for my back, but have more pain-free days and my chiropractor has noticed improvements in my mobility. I just wish I’d started this program years ago!”
The Entire Experience Has Been a Life Change!
“NWC was the last resort for my husband Mark and myself. Frankly it was hard to see how nutrition was going to solve our myriad of problems. We were already eating organically. All of our meat was grass-fed. We had cut artificial colors and sweeteners from our foods. We only ate whole grains. However, our quality of life was suffering. I was considering selling the house, because we didn’t have the energy or strength to keep up with the maintenance.
My husband Mark dealt with incapacitating daily migraines, nerve pain (which included numbness and buzzing). He had overwhelming fatigue and was unable to stay standing for long. Sometimes his limbs would go numb. He would have a hard time getting to a standing position. He moved like a man much older than his 40 years. Mark’s gait was slow and he was developing a limp. Overwhelming fatigue characterized his days. His cholesterol was in range of needing medication. The first round of doctors discounted and minimized his pain. The second required endless scans and tests. While they didn’t come out and say MS was a diagnosis, it was always brought up as a possibility in conversations. Anything we enjoyed was going by the wayside: hiking, fishing, kayaking. Our young children were getting a picture of their father as tired, irritable and sick.
I was experiencing dizzy spells. I found it hard to teach my elementary students without feeling this sensation multiple times daily. My lips would swell constantly. Maybe I should have been pleased to look like Angelina Jolie, but I was worried that one day my throat would swell up too. Doctors told me to take more vitamin C. My allergies were out of control. Since the age of 16, I had dealt with severe and life-limiting gastrointestinal problems. My skin was dry, and I was very prone to eczema. Blood sugar problems would plague me daily as well. As a result, I would feel weak and shaky. My heart would pound. I would try to compensate by eating something and invariably I would feel a sugar high. I had brain fog and trouble thinking. Weight was an issue as well. I couldn’t lose weight, in fact I was gaining no matter how much I exercised or deprived myself. Going to the Nutritional Wellness Center meant a new lifestyle. We never would have discovered what we needed to do using traditional medical and nutritional advice. We were slogging through a variety of specialists: ENT’s, neurologists, hematologists, oncologists, cardiologists…
It has been a year, but we are seeing the other side of things. Mark has monthly migraines, instead of daily. When he does have them, he can usually get them under control. He has more energy and stamina and recently went to Haiti where he worked on a 10 day church mission trip. The days there were intensive and he helped with construction on a church and school and played with the Haitian children. His cholesterol is in normal range and he has lost 25 pounds. This past summer he totally re-did our bathroom, including sheet rocking, painting, tiling etc. Mark is beginning to do things again such as fishing, archery and photography.
Most of my issues are well under control. My lips don’t swell anymore because I cut preservatives and colors from my diet. My eczema and skin conditions have improved. After learning how to eat for my body, I never deal with blood sugar problems. As a result, I don’t have the amount of mood swings that were a part of my daily life. The stomach problems I used to experience are stabilized. I have lost 20 pounds and feel much stronger. My dizziness has dropped by about 75% and this alone had improved my ability to be a mother and a teacher.
The entire experience has been a life change. Our eleven year old son and eight year old daughter see NWC too. They are also experiencing many health benefits within a short period of time. This has meant a drastic change in how we cook, where we get our food and what we eat. However, once we committed we realized that the food from our previous diet wasn’t as satisfying as it used to be. Our bodies crave the nutrients from natural and whole foods. We can’t imagine going back to our old habits and giving up the improvements we have made.”
Allergies are MUCH Better!
“When I first came to NWC, I couldn’t get to sleep at night, I suffered from arthritis, stomach reflux, high cholesterol and allergies. My goals were to lose weight and stop taking all my medicines. After a year, I have lost over 20 lbs and have stopped taking all my medicines. All my ailments have improved greatly. I can now sleep much better, stomach reflux has decreased greatly, allergies are much better but not completely gone and my arthritis has decreased. Now that I have changed my way of eating I have much more energy and feel much better about myself.”
Worth the Effort!
“I had a number of issues, but the most serious was a burning in my vagina; also, numerous bladder infections and lower back pain. Since coming to NWC, there have been great improvements in each of my issues. It took a few months for me to understand the importance of following a much different diet, but it has been worth the effort.”
My Bladder Issues Disappeared!
“I was feeling poorly for years since my hysterectomy in 2002. I had gained weight, was feeling sluggish and very tired. My life is full of stress running a business, dealing with my family members health issues, and the general stresses of family life. My blood pressure was not being controlled and I was not digesting foods the same. Something was wrong. I also was having symptoms of a weakened bladder due to my hysterectomy and went through the tests to determine if I was a candidate for surgery. I knew that was not the answer and I wanted to turn this downward spiral around. The breaking point was when my step father fell ill and passed away in Florida. I was flying down often to help and felt like I was ready to be in that hospital myself. Enough was enough. I have a degree in Dietetics Management and knew there was something more than what we were being told by the ADA and the FDA. I am also an ex-pharmaceutical rep and for 12 years knew how the marketing dollars influenced what we take and what we are prescribed. The Nutritional Wellness Center was the answer. I started in February of 2011 and learned a lot about what my body needed and what did not work for me anymore. There were not many surprises in what I was told. I was having issues at times digesting dairy so it was no surprise I needed to eliminate it from my diet. After eliminating the wheats, breads, etc. from my diet, my bladder issues disappeared. That meant no surgery for me and I am so happy! My blood pressure started to drop also and now I am on subclinical doses every other day for my blood pressure. We hope to eliminate them soon. My weight is still dropping gradually – I am 31 pounds lighter. However, the first thing I noticed after eliminating sugar from my diet was the way my body handled the times in between meals. I no longer felt shaky between meals and did not have the cravings to snack. My energy level is so much higher now. After seeing my early results, my husband also decided to join me. He is doing fantastic and has lost 50 pounds and is reducing his meds. Together we know this is the answer for us. This makes sense, it works and we feel great! Thanks to NWC, and their constant encouragement and guidance. Their enthusiasm has helped us through this process.”
Insulin Resistance is Gone!
“My energy was low, I was insulin resistant, had high cholesterol and high blood pressure. I had a chronic cough for 30 years and my hands were constantly shaking. Hiking was difficult and I needed a trekking pole for balance. Now when people ask me how I am feeling, I can actually answer them “Great. I’m getting younger every day!!” My insulin resistance is gone and cholesterol and blood pressure are down. My hands no longer shake. Hiking is easier and the trekking pole stays home! The cough is still with me but that might just take time.”
Poster Child for Diabetes Recovery and Weight Loss!
“Energy level had been low. Was in a mental fog. Thought I was just tired and ate to get more energy. Digestion was off. Felt bloated all the time. Weight was 227 lbs. Liver: fatty. Pre-diabetic/diabetic and cholesterol was 257. My doctor had given up on me: “Just take the medication and eat what you want.” That marked the end of not caring about my body. Energy level improved by about 50%. No mental fog. No longer feel bloated. Weight as of 8/15/2011: 195.8 lbs. Liver enzymes: normal (fatty liver gone). Metabolic Syndrome/Prediabetes: A1C decreased to near normal. I am thrilled. My doctor calls me ‘the poster child for diabetes recovery and weight loss.’ In six months, if I continue to improve, my diabetes medication will be discontinued. I am no longer diabetic. My memory has improved too!”
Triglycerides are Down!
“Before I started seeing Nutritional Wellness Center, my blood sugar was creeping up toward the diabetic range, I could not lose weight, I felt exhausted all the time and I felt irritable. I had tried restricting wheat because I knew I was sensitive to it, but I still needed a daily inhaler and daily allergy tablets to prevent bronchitis. I also suffered from anemia, osteoarthritis, migraines, bouts of dizziness and a rapid heartbeat. Now my energy level throughout the day is much more consistent and I feel terrific even though I’m eating a very low-carb diet. I no longer crave sweet food, and I’m beginning to lose weight but don’t feel deprived. I no longer have to use allergy medication or inhalers, and rarely get a cough. My anemia is gone, my arthritis rarely bothers me, and I get a migraine only if I eat wheat. My blood pressure and triglycerides are down. I’ve also learned to cook a much wider range of healthful meals for my whole family.”
Blood Sugar is Now 60-70 Two Hours After a Meal!
“My blood sugar was 120-150 two hours after a meal. My PSA was 4.1, my AIC was 7, and I weighed 180 pounds. My first visit assessment of physical fitness level was 70; my actual age is 71. My blood sugar is now 60-70 two hours after a meal. My PSA is 2.8, my AIC is 6.1, and my weight is down 18 pounds – I am now 162. My balance is better. I have more energy and I am eating less.”
I now feel and look like myself again!
Before coming to Nutritional Wellness Center I felt like I had lost myself in the deepest, darkest hole of the abyss. I was depressed, irritable, angry, sad and anxious all the time. I was diagnosed with menopause two years ago at 42 and had to go on BP pills. All of this happened at once. I looked miserable and I felt miserable. I was good at faking a smile. I tried too many holistic things but they only helped a little. My prayers were answered when I met several people who had come to Nutritional Wellness Center, so I decided to make an appointment.
OMG!! I now feel and look like myself again (or getting to a better version). I am surprised at how great I feel. It is such a turn around. My depression and anxiety are almost gone! I am my happy – go- lucky self. I have an abundance of energy now! I was thrown a rope and Nutritional Wellness Center pulled me out of the hole. I am walking towards the light, basking in it and spreading it to others. The love sweetness, joy and happiness.
If anything comes up, whether emotional or physical, I call and make an appointment. I am always amazed at how fast I heal physically and emotionally with Nutritional Wellness Center help! I have been blessed.
Thank you!
I Have Found a Peaceful Balance!
“Before I began coming to the Nutritional Wellness Center I felt (and was) off balance. I struggled with a number of symptoms. I had bad acne, was fatigued by early afternoon, felt sluggish and had extra weight on my body. I didn’t feel balanced inside and out. I did not feel confident in myself. I had nightmares regularly and felt the weight of everyday life was unmanageable. Now, I feel absolutely beautiful inside and out. In the short amount of time since changing my diet and taking my supplements, my face has cleared drastically, my weight has decreased by a substantial amount, I am active everyday and all day, and I have found a peaceful balance within my body. I am very excited to continue my new way of life, and very thankful for the knowledge and encouragement the center has given me. I feel amazing and am so very confident in myself and my body.”
I Feel Healthy, h2 and Beautiful!
“Before I came to Nutritional Wellness Center I had too many problems to count, and I had been deemed a medical mystery at the ripe old age of 9. I was taking more medications than any person should have to. I have always struggled with my weight trying everything from Atkins to the grapefruit diets, without any success. At just 21, I had issues with my liver and pancreas, high blood pressure, asthma, eczema, hair loss and allergies to just about everything! Needless to say, I needed a little help. This is where Tara came in. I cut out a few things in my diet and added a whole bunch, including the suggested supplements. Almost immediately I noticed that my eczema cleared up and my hands stopped cracking. I stopped feeling bloated and just blah! I have lost 15 pounds and my hair loss has decreased significantly. I kicked the blood pressure and asthma meds, and best of all I feel healthy, h2, and beautiful! My journey to wellness is far from over, but I know without the help of Nutritional Wellness Center, I would still be an itching, wheezing, anxious, hypertensive mess!”
A Difference in My Overall Health – Emotionally, Mentally and Spiritually!
“I always had stomach cramps and bloating after eating meals – especially after dinner and bigger meals. They would sometimes be so bad that I would have to cancel other plans with friends and rest while my body sorted its issues out. I knew that my pain was related, at least in part, to diet though I always tried to eat very healthy food and organic as much as possible. Now, my pain is almost completely gone along with the bloating and cramps. I now know which foods hurt my body and which foods I should eat to always feel healthy. I have also noticed a difference in my overall health – emotionally, mentally and spiritually by improving my diet to this degree. And every day the diet gets easier and easier – and more delicious! I don’t think I have ever had so much fun with food and improving my health.”
A Completely New Level of Health, Both in Terms of My Skin and Interpersonally!
“When I came to see Nutritional Wellness Center more than four months ago, I had pestilent skin rashes that were incredibly uncomfortable and agitated, often at the expense of my own self-esteem. The onset of these rashes had begun several months to a year beforehand with no apparent relief in sight. I had at least one red patch of burning, itchy skin on my right wrist, which grew to be palm-sized. Perhaps even more emotional for me was the flaring of my navel, which I hadn’t seen healed in more than a year. I honestly began to wonder if I would ever see my skin normal again, if I could ever touch healthy skin in these areas again. For these rashes, I tried both oral and topical steroids to see temporary relief, yet the rashes would return whenever I discontinued the pills and ointments. Alarmed and distressed about what would happen to my skin in the long run, I came in to the Nutritional Wellness Center on a recommendation. I reasoned that being young at 25 my immune system should still be resilient. Now, I am at a completely new level of health, both in terms of my skin and interpersonally. I would not have known a short time ago that my rashes would clear up, that I would be able to touch refreshed, healthy skin where other treatments hadn’t worked before. I am so grateful, in short, to have my skin back! As I continue to heal, I still do see symptoms return, but they are mild compared to the distressed skin of the past. Ever since seeing the Nutritional Wellness Center I have not used the topical steroids that I desperately resorted to in the past for relief. Overall, I have seen such steady improvement that only gets better and more refined with time. I owe it to myself to continue on the path I’ve set out; to see a healthful glow stay vibrant in the long-term. Thanks to Nutritional Wellness Center and the staff for empowering me and supporting my newfound control over my health.”
I Only See Better Days Ahead!
“I have spent my entire life, from age six, being some form of overweight. From slight to excessive, and despite my best efforts and an active lifestyle, I lost NO weight. I even at times gained weight. I received regular treatments from physicians with no explanation or improvement. I felt as though being overweight and excessively tired (sometimes I needed 12-14 hours of sleep and was still tired) was just going to be my way of life. Now, I’ve lost a tremendous amount of weight – in excess of 150 lbs so far – and I continue to make steady improvements in my weight loss as well as my energy level, which is now through the roof. I no longer need large amounts of sleep or naps during the day. I work out with great success five to six days a week, with no issues, and I only see better days ahead. Nutritional Wellness Center did more for me in one year than 15 years of fairly regular doctor’s visits ever did. Thank you.”
I Am Feeling More Relaxed and Peaceful!
“My first appointment with Nutritional Wellness Center was in August 2010. Medical doctors couldn’t seem to find ways to treat me. I just didn’t feel right. I was crying daily and didn’t know why. I was tired every day and filled with anxiety. All of this caused depression. Now I am feeling more relaxed and peaceful. I am no longer crying daily. Tara and Aaron weren’t sure they could help me on my first appointment. They suggested trying to help me, assuring me that if no improvement was reached after one month, they would find someone else to help me. Thankfully, I did show improvement within the first month of treatment. I continue to show improvement since my very first visit. I am confident that I will continue to improve my health following Nutritional Wellness Center’s instructions.”
I Feel Free and Flexible in my Body!
“I had a lot of belly fat and extra weight that was weighing me down. I didn’t enjoy my body and was trying to accept my weight because I thought I could not change it. My asthma was inhibiting my activity levels. I also experienced body pain. Now, I weigh 20 pounds less. I like myself and my body more. I feel free and flexible in my body and I have less body pain. I can move at a faster pace and be out in the cold without triggering my asthma.”
My Blood Pressure is Normal!
“I had a heart attack four months before beginning a program at Nutritional Wellness Center. I was on six medications and was limited to only walking for exercise. I had high blood pressure despite taking blood pressure medication. Now I am now down to four medications and in two months I will only be on two medications. My blood pressure is normal. My heart ultrasound went from 30-40 to 45 (50-55 is normal). I am jogging, lifting weights and my blood sugar is normal. I lost 10 lbs. and I need less sleep. I definitely am well on the way to full heart function!”
I Narrowly Escaped ‘The Big One’!
“I’m 49 years old and have had great success treating several serious medical issues with the expert help and guidance from the Nutritional Wellness Center. As a result of my experience, and the experiences of many others, I highly recommend the Nutritional Wellness Center. They have had a significant impact on my life and I’m sure they will do the same for you. If you learn anything from my experience, it should be don’t wait to get started. Your current illness could be an advance symptom of more serious things to come. That was the situation in my case.
I led what I thought was a pretty healthy lifestyle. My father had a major heart attack when he was only 48 years old. So I knew there was a good chance I could have problems later in life if I didn’t take care of myself. All my adult life I’ve exercised and followed the standard nutritional guideline recommendations for eating “healthy.” I generally followed a low fat, high carb diet. Every morning for the past 25 years, I started each day by drinking a large fruit shake. I had also been taking daily vitamin supplements for over 20 years. Almost two years ago, I went to see my primary care physician for a flare up of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). I’ve had IBS on and off for 30 years, in addition to GERD (acid reflux) for 15 years, and Eosinophilic Esophagitis (inflammation of the Esophagus). My doctor recommended I try treating the IBS with the help of the Nutritional Wellness Center. He said several of his patients had gone there for treatment of IBS and had great success. He even gave me the Nutritional Wellness Center’s brochure and encouraged me to follow up with them.
Unfortunately, the Nutritional Wellness Center was located in another city, 45 minutes away from me. So I decided to postpone my visit for a while and try some other more convenient approaches to get my IBS under control. Over the next year, the more convenient approaches failed, but I still didn’t bother following up with the Nutritional Wellness Center because of the distance. This past year I noticed some chest pain. (One month after having an annual physical and being given a clean bill of health.) It turned out I had a 95-98% blockage of a major artery that required immediate corrective action with a stent. I had no other advance warning symptoms before the chest pain and the cardiologist said I narrowly escaped ‘the big one.’
After the stent procedure my cardiologi prescribed a statin medication. I researched statins and found there are significant negative long-term side effects associated with taking statin drugs. So I decided taking a statin would not be the best approach for me. Instead, I decided to try using a nutritional approach to improve my cholesterol levels, without all the potential negative side effects of using a statin. What I wasn’t sure about was which nutritional approach would be best for me. There are tons of conflicting studies, recommendations, and information on nutrition. I recognized I needed expert advice and guidance. So, a year after it was recommended by my doctor, I finally enlisted the support of the Nutritional Wellness Center.
I presented Tara and Aaron with my list of issues; coronary blockage, heart palpitations, IBS, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, and GERD. Based on their analysis, they created a personalized nutrition and supplement program to address my specific health needs. That was only the beginning. Tara and Aaron became my own personal health and nutrition support team. They educated me on why my past “healthy” choices weren’t actually healthy, and showed me what choices were actually “healthy.” They provided me with data and study references to support their recommendations. A big difference I noticed with Tara and Aaron is they focused on fixing the primary causes of my health problems and not just the symptoms. Unfortunately, many doctors focus on treating your symptoms and not the primary cause of your symptoms. The treatment of the symptoms is often only temporary, since the underlying problem is not fixed. Plus the treatment (i.e. statins) used to address the symptom can often lead to more problems in the future.”
After only four months of working with Nutritional Wellness Center and following their recommendations and nutritional guidance, my results speak for themselves:
IBS – Significantly Reduced (something I haven’t been able to achieve in 30 years of attempted treatments)
- GERD – Significantly Reduced
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis – Gone (based on medical testing done last month)
- Heart Palpitations – Gone
- Coronary Arteries – See the lab results below
4/29/11 – Pre-NWC | 9/24/11 – 4 Months after starting NWC | Change | |
Cholesterol | 225 | 214 | 5% |
Triglycerides | 170 | 69 | 59% |
HDL | 42 | 58 | 38% |
LDL | 149 | 142 | 5% |
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio | 5.4 | 3.7 | 31% |
I recently began working with a new doctor for a cardiac follow-up. After reviewing the results of my work with the Nutritional Wellness Center, he told me he was really impressed with what we achieved and said he “applauds” the work done by the Nutritional Wellness Center. He advised me to continue following their recommendations.
My daughter is currently undergoing her initial analysis by the Nutrition Wellness Center. My wife mentioned this to the office manager at the largest children’s medical practice in our area. The office manager told my wife she has heard great things about the Nutritional Wellness Center from her friends that have gone there. My kids’ guidance counselor also mentioned the Nutritional Wellness Center and the great results they have been able to achieve. Keep in mind we live 45 minutes away, in another city. So the word is getting out.
Last but not least is the outstanding support I receive from Nutritional Wellness Center. They make you feel welcome, supported, and cared for the second you walk into their office. They talk with you in layman’s terms so you don’t feel the need to grab a medical dictionary or an interpreter. They become your own personal support team to help you achieve better health. The kind of results I’ve achieved with the Nutritional Wellness Center makes me wonder if I could have avoided my major artery blockage by going to the Nutritional Wellness Center a year earlier, when my doctor first recommended them. No one can say for sure, but based on my experience and results so far, I know the probability of getting the blockage would have been significantly less. So learn from me and don’t wait to get started with the Nutritional Wellness Center.”
It’s a New World for Me!
“I felt pretty terrible. I was overweight, had problems falling asleep, was depressed, and had very little energy. I had acid reflux/indigestion. I knew I had to change the direction that my health was going as I am a ten year heart attack and upper spinal fusion survivor. Slowly over the last ten years my weight has increased and yet I had been going to the gym three times a week and was eating a low fat diet. I also was taking five cardiac related pills a day. Pain is something that I just got used to in the last ten years. Nutritional Wellness Center had me cut out four items from my diet and I have lost 50 pounds in about six months. I now have no problem falling asleep, have no more indigestion/ acid reflux, have plenty of energy, and most importantly I am no longer depressed. I have reduced some of the dosages of my cardiac drugs. My pain has diminished too. I feel as if my life has started over. It is a new world for me, as I had spent the last 10 years invested in feeling miserable and being in pain. Now that I am feeling good and still not quite used to it, but now the real work on healing for me can begin.
I Had Taken Back Control of My Life and Body!
When I first came to Nutritional Wellness Center I was in serious danger. After 17 years of being a single parent and enduring chronic stress, my body was giving out. For 10 years I’d had intermittent and increasing stomach problems, aches and pains, horrible sinus infections that lasted months and a lowered immune system in general. I’d become highly prone to depression and anxiety and was diagnosed with PTSD, depression, anxiety, lactose intolerances and IBS. It had taken 10 years of ER visits for mystery abdominal pain, CT scans, ultrasounds, blood work, and even a colonoscopy before being given the diagnosis of IBS. Then I began the futile attempt of trying to treat something the doctors didn’t even understand. After a traumatic event early in 2010, my body just said ‘enough.’ I started losing weight fast, about 30 pounds in less than six months. I couldn’t eat without severe pain, my immune system crashed, I had problems sleeping, and was having multiple and major panic attacks daily, constant overwhelming anxiety, and was dangerously depressed. At the age of 35 and with three children to care for, my body was eating itself; my physical and emotional state was keeping me from fully functioning. I felt almost completely hopeless, and with the addition of some dangerous prescription medications from my PCP to try and alleviate these problems, I was quickly headed for emergency hospitalization. When friends and family stepped to help, my cousin introduced me to Nutritional Wellness Center and I began my journey back to health.
Almost immediately I began seeing improvements. Within a couple of weeks I felt like I had taken back control of my life and body. By six weeks in, my worst IBS symptoms were all but gone and I began tuning in and hearing my body again since I wasn’t in constant pain anymore. My emotions became more manageable and I learned to recognize the difference between ‘depression,’ ‘anxiety’ and an allergic brain reaction to certain foods. The food/dietary changes were not hard to make and I found myself feeling cravings for healthy foods quickly, as opposed to the easy, convenient but empty foods I had been grabbing on the go. I can’t say the last two years have been easy. With a very hectic lifestyle, it’s still a challenge to put my health first at times. Slowly and steadily though, I have regained healthy weight levels, my depression is all but gone, as are all my other diagnosed illnesses. In fact, from death’s door two years ago, I have even carried a healthy pregnancy and delivered my 4th baby nine months ago in a wonderful home water-birth with no complications at all. My friends and family have been so amazed by my improvements that I’ve helped four of them become clients and shared referrals with countless others! Thank you Nutritional Wellness Center, you have helped me change my life.”
I Have Started to Regain My Health!
“For years I have been very tired with a history of yeast infections, PMS, difficult periods, vitiligo, poor sleep patterns, acid reflux as well as vomiting more recently. I have gone to nutritionists and have tried numerous vitamins, and herbs, etc. I would see some improvement but nothing was lasting. Now, I am doing much better for the four months that I’ve been seeing Nutritional Wellness Center, I was determined to put 100% of my effort into their program and have felt from day 1 that my problems were pinpointed correctly using NRT, whole food supplements and encouragement from Nutritional Wellness Center. I have started to regain my health. I’m excited to see how the next four months will be! Thanks everyone at Nutritional Wellness Center!!”
They Focus on Fixing the Primary Causes of Our Health Problems and Not Just the Symptoms!
“I’m 49 years old and have had great success treating several serious medical issues with the expert help and guidance from the Nutritional Wellness Center. As a result of my experience, and the experiences of many others, I highly recommend the Nutritional Wellness Center. They have had a significant impact on my life and I’m sure they will do the same for you. If you learn anything from my experience, it should be, don’t wait to get started. Your current illness could be an advance symptom of more serious things to come. That was the situation in my case.
I led what I thought was a pretty healthy lifestyle. My father had a major heart attack when he was only 48 years old. So I knew there was a good chance I could have problems later in life if I didn’t take care of myself. All my adult life I’ve exercised and followed the standard nutritional guideline recommendations for eating “healthy”. I generally followed a low fat, high carb diet. Every morning for the past 25 years, I started each day by drinking a large fruit shake. I’ve also been taking daily vitamin supplements for over 20 years.
Almost two years ago, I went to see my primary care physician for a flare up of Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS). I’ve had IBS on and off for 30 years, in addition to GERD (acid reflux) for 15 years, and Eosinophilic Esophagitis (inflammation of the Esophagus). My doctor recommended I try treating the IBS with the help of the Nutritional Wellness Center. He said several of his patients had gone there for treatment of IBS and had great success. He even gave me the Nutritional Wellness Center’s brochure and encouraged me to follow up with them.
Unfortunately, the Nutritional Wellness Center was located in another city, 45 minutes away from me. So I decided to postpone my visit for a while and try some other more convenient approaches to get my IBS under control. Over the next year, the more convenient approaches failed, but I still didn’t bother following up with the Nutritional Wellness Center because of the distance.
This past year I noticed some chest pain. (One month after having an annual physical and being given a clean bill of health.) It turned out I had a 95-98% blockage of a major artery that required immediate corrective action with a stent. I had no other advance warning symptoms before the chest pain and the cardiologist said I narrowly escaped ‘the big one’.
After the stent procedure my cardiologist wanted me to begin taking a statin medication. I researched statins and found there are significant negative long-term side effects associated with taking statin drugs. So I decided taking a statin would not be the best approach for me.
Instead, I decided to try using a nutritional approach to improve my cholesterol levels, without all the potential negative side effects of using a statin. What I wasn’t sure about was which nutritional approach would be best for me. There are tons of conflicting studies, recommendations, and information on nutrition. I recognized I needed expert advice and guidance. So, a year after it was recommended by my doctor, I finally enlisted the support of the Nutritional Wellness Center.
I presented Tara and Aaron with my list of issues; coronary blockage, heart palpitations, IBS, Eosinophilic Esophagitis, and GERD. Based on their analysis, they created a personalized nutrition and supplement program to address my specific health needs. That was only the beginning. Tara and Aaron became my own personal health and nutrition support team. They educated me on why my past “healthy” choices weren’t actually healthy, and showed me what choices were “healthy”. They provided me with data and study references to support their recommendations. A big difference I noticed with Tara and Aaron is they focus on fixing the primary causes of our health problems and not just the symptoms. Unfortunately, many doctors focus on treating your symptoms and not the primary cause of your symptoms. The treatment of the symptoms is often only temporary, since the underlying problem is not fixed. Plus the treatment (i.e. statins) used to address the symptom can often lead to more problems in the future.
After only four months of working with Nutritional Wellness Center and following their recommendations and nutritional guidance, my results speak for themselves:
- IBS – Significantly Reduced (something I haven’t been able to achieve in 30 years of attempted treatments)
- GERD – Significantly Reduced
- Eosinophilic Esophagitis – Gone (based on medical testing done last month)
- Heart Palpitations – Gone
- Coronary Arteries – See the lab results below
4/29/11 – Pre-NWC | 9/24/11 – 4 Months after starting NWC | Change | |
Cholesterol | 225 | 214 | 5% |
Triglycerides | 170 | 69 | 59% |
HDL | 42 | 58 | 38% |
LDL | 149 | 142 | 5% |
Cholesterol/HDL Ratio | 5.4 | 3.7 | 31% |
No More Indigestion/Acid Reflux!
“I felt pretty terrible. I was overweight, had problems falling asleep, was depressed, and had very little energy. I had acid reflux/indigestion. I knew I had to change the direction that my health was going as I am a ten year heart attack and upper spinal fusion survivor. Slowly over the last ten years my weight has increased and yet I had been going to the gym three times a week and was eating a low fat diet. I also was taking five cardiac related pills a day. Pain is something that I just got used to in the last ten years. NWC had me cut out four items from my diet and I have lost 50 pounds in about six months. I now have no problem falling asleep, have no more indigestion/acid reflux, have plenty of energy and most importantly I am no longer depressed. I have reduced some of the dosages of my cardiac drugs. My pain has diminished too. I feel as if my life has started over. It is a new world for me as I had spent the previous 10 years invested in feeling miserable and being in pain. Now that I am feeling good but still not quite used to it. Now the real work on healing for me can begin.”
What Was It Like Before You Came To See Us?
“Before I came to the Nutritional Wellness Center, I was addicted to sugar and had indigestion all the time. I ate a lot
of grains and breads. I was unhealthy. I could not lose weight no matter how much I exercised. Now I feel a lot better. My sugar craving is under control and indigestion is gone for the most part. I am more conscious of grains and breads. I am trying to eat more vegetables, fruits and grass-fed meat. My energy level is so much better – not so tired all the time. I am so thankful for my practitioner, Cindy Davis. She has helped me a lot. Always patient and kind. Love her!
I hope to see more improvement during my next 12 visits. Thank you!”
My Digestion is Under Control!
“I had very uncomfortable digestive problems, anxiety that kept me awake most nights, and I was exhausted all the time. I have never felt like my body could reach its full potential. It was as if I was trying to run through the mud each day. I even had mono four times. Now, I have adjusted my diet and feel so much better after I eat. My digestion is under control. Although I still have some anxiety, I am sleeping every night. My moods are more stable and my energy levels are significantly better. I am no longer “running through mud”. Not only have I avoided a re-occurrence of mono, I haven’t even gotten a cold.”
My GERD is so Much Better!
“I had no idea how many things were wrong in my body! When I came to NWC, it was with the goal of improving my IBS and reducing the number of migraines and headaches I was getting each week. I have had severe IBS symptoms since I was a child and I was officially diagnosed with IBS in 2003. I haven’t been able to digest properly since then and I have had severe GERD, abdominal pains, bloating, cramping, and gas for over 15 years. I thought that was “normal” and that I’d have to live like that for the rest of my life.
About 10 years ago, I started getting headaches that continued to increase in severity and frequency; they got so bad that I had a headache almost every day and 18-20 really bad headache days every month. My hormones were all over the place, I started having brain fog, my nervous system was unstable, and I had severe anxiety. I was a mess!
I started coming to the NWC almost six months ago, and I’m seeing improvements in so many of these symptoms, along with improvement in areas I didn’t know were “off.” My nervous system is finally starting to balance itself! I used to have severe PMS symptoms and I would be very symptomatic with gut aches, headaches, back aches, anxiety and emotional swings during my menstrual cycle. I’m starting to see improvements there as well. Additionally, I used to have intense sugar cravings and I would binge and stress eat on junk food; that is significantly better too. My GERD is much better! I am starting to see improvements in my headaches; I still have a lot of headaches, but the really bad ones are decreased to about five to six days per month. The amount of belching and gas that I have is starting to improve. I still have a lot of distress in my gut, as I was diagnosed with having SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) in April 2018.
I realize it is going to take time to correct these problems, but I am thrilled with the progress I’ve already made! I just started my second round of 24-visits at NWC, and I am excited to see how things continue to improve as I make my way through the next round of healing cycles!”
I Have a lot More Energy!
“Before coming to the Nutrition and Wellness Center I was experiencing awful stomach aches for the past two years. I would have to plan my day out to make sure I was at home after I ate in case a stomach ache surfaced. I had to cancel plans because I was doubled over in pain and couldn’t get out of bed with these very awful stomach pains. Food seemed to control my life. I was regularly going to the doctors for tests and exams and they could not seem to diagnose the problem. They told me everything was fine and tried to give me antacids. I was getting very frustrated and was beginning to lose hope that I would ever be able to eat and not feel pain. I also experienced headaches/migraines at least once a day; I was very bloated and gassy all the time. I had very low energy and had trouble getting my daily activities and tasks accomplished. It felt like I was sick all the time – whether it was just a nasty cold or the flu, it was never ending. I now feel AMAZING!!!! My stomach pains are gone and food no longer controls my life. I am no longer bloated and gassy, my headaches are gone, and in the past five months I have had only one migraine. I have a lot more energy, too. I was diagnosed with ADD five years ago and have been on medication for it ever since. I am now more focused all on my own and no longer have to take my ADD medication on a daily basis.
I have also not been sick once since beginning this program. Nutritional Wellness Center found through NRT that I have gluten/wheat intolerance and although it was life changing to no longer consume wheat, I have never felt so fantastic. When I started this program my gallbladder was functioning at a 0 out of 10 on the muscle testing scale, but now my gallbladder is functioning at a 10. I highly recommend this program. I am amazed at how great I feel in such a short time. Nutritional Wellness Center has done more for me in just five months than the many doctor’s visits and testing had done for me in the past two years. Thank you Nutritional Wellness Center.”
Now I am an 88 Year Old ENERGIZED Woman!
“Before I came to the Nutritional Wellness Center, I was an 87 year old woman. I suffered pain in my right hip down to my toes, itchy skin, no energy, poor sleep, sluggish thyroid, hearing deficit, and various other irritating health problems. My body does not respond to prescription medications favorably, therefore the natural supplements at the NWC are ideal for me. Now, I am an 88 year old ENERGIZED woman. The hip problem is no more, itching is minimal at best, energy has improved dramatically, my thyroid is alive, and the hearing, I believe, has improved somewhat. The sleep problem still persists, but I am confident that, in time, that too will soon be history. I travel 100 miles one way to get here and I can truthfully say that the journey has been worth the effort. I thank God for Nutritional Wellness Center for their care of my body. They always treat me as though I am the only client they work with. It is a joy to come in here.”
I Feel Great!
“When I first came to see Nutritional Wellness Center, I was almost bedridden. I spent most days on the couch due to nausea that was somewhat lessened by lying on my stomach. Besides the nausea, I experienced sweats and chills, lower bowel cramps, and absolutely no energy. I first saw Nutritional Wellness Center in October 2008. I had been to my GP, internist, GI specialists, and allergists, but nothing helped permanently. Nutritional Wellness Center told me they could work with me and thought they could help. Sure, I was very skeptical, but if I was going to do this, I was going to do everything they suggested. It took a long time. They thought it would take three years; it took 2½. Now I have the energy that I used to have. I feel great. No more nausea!! No more cramps or any other symptoms. It’s been 20 years since I’ve felt this well. I’m so glad I found Nutritional Wellness Center. They gave me my life back. Thank you!”
I Have More Energy!
“Before I became involved with the Nutritional Wellness Center I had several health issues like many of their clients. I always felt I lived a fairly healthy lifestyle but within the past few years many issues developed. I attributed it to the aging process. As I became aware of the many success stories of those who go to the Nutritional Wellness Center, I thought, ‘Why not me?’ I had joint aches and pains, gut discomfort, low energy levels, weight issues, and kidney problems. I have been working with Nutritional Wellness Center for only a few months and I can physically see significant improvement. I have more energy, minimal joint discomfort after strenuous and lengthy workouts, and my kidney problems have been resolved. I realize more work on my part is necessary to achieve all of my goals. I have found in Nutritional Wellness Center fantastic support by nurturing my knowledge about better health.”
My stomach pain is gone!
I was going through my first pregnancy and was having a lot of issues. I was sick constantly, had stomach pains, and was physically and emotionally exhausted. I am currently a month from my due date and am feeling much better. Throughout the month I have worked with Sophie, I have gained the majority of my energy back, my stomach pain is gone and I have been able to decrease my medication for morning sickness. My overall health seems to have greatly improved.
I Have Completely Pain-Free Menstruation!
“Before coming to Nutritional Wellness Center, I was a confused vegan/vegetarian for 10 years. I loved my diet but had an array of mild to moderate health issues. Often I would suffer from debilitating menses, felt faintish, would faint often, had poor blood circulation, chronic acne, and had a history of low blood count which was always a huge worry for me. I was hesitant and nervous about diet change and knew that I had to make great peace with what I considered to be a ‘nutritional experiment’ that likely would involve animal foods. Everybody I encountered at the Nutritional Wellness Center was so extremely supportive regarding my diet changes and concerns related to them. At my own pace and only when I was fully ready, I began to incorporate so many more appropriate fats into my diet and eliminate all soy, etc. As a result, and only four months later, I have completely pain-free menstruation (it’s practically startling!). I no longer feel weak/faintish, my skin is soft and glowing, my extremities are not nearly as cold as they’ve been for years, and, somewhat miraculously, my blood counts are all completely healthy and normal for the first time in five. I believe so strongly in the work that Nutritional Wellness Center does, and respect even more deeply their beautiful and caring hearts. I’m in complete gratitude.”
Hot Flashes Under Control!
“In the twelve months prior to my visit with Nutritional Wellness Center, I had undergone five surgeries, eight weeks of chemotherapy, six weeks of radiation therapy and was still recovering from being hospitalized for pneumonia. My tongue still had a metallic taste from chemo. I was overweight and my cholesterol was close to 300. Within weeks of working with Nutritional Wellness Center the acid reflux and joint pain disappeared. After eight weeks, my cholesterol was down to 200, I was sleeping better, hot flashes were controlled, I had more energy and by all “traditional” medical measures, I was in the best health I had been in for more than 20 years. An added benefit was weight loss. To date, I have gone from a size 16 to a size 8 without ever counting calories or being hungry. Cancer treatment gave me the motivation I needed to make my physical health as much a priority as other things in my life. Nutritional Wellness Center gave me the tools and support I needed to be successful.”
Brain Fog Lifted!
“Since 2001, I have struggled with ‘Brain Fog.’ I couldn’t think clearly, felt a heaviness in my head, couldn’t hold onto information or stay on track, was very forgetful and exhausted. It took everything in me to do my daily tasks. I didn’t sleep very well and became depressed. I saw several professionals seeking help and most wrote it off as depression. I felt I was depressed as a result of the brain fog and wanted to rule it out as the main cause. I finally visited with an internist who changed my hormone regimen with no results and was taken off hormone therapy after nine years of therapy. She also recommended having my amalgams removed, which I did, and told me to go see the Nutritional Wellness Center for detoxing. I came on board with the Nutritional Wellness Center in September 2009 and within four to six weeks I felt some improvement. I was afraid to even speak that I was feeling better because I didn’t want to jinx it. As time went by, the brain fog lifted and I was starting to think clearly and remembering things I would have had difficulty remembering in the past. Currently the brain fog is gone and I am thinking much more clearly. I’m thrilled that I’m feeling better and have much more energy that carries me through the day. I find everyone here at the Nutritional Wellness Center is very professional and compassionate. I thank God for leading me to the care that was needed to help my recovery. Everyone is amazed how different I am. They are also considering joining the program as they know how I struggled. I’m enjoying life again and managing what comes my way so much easier.”
I No Longer Get Menstrual Cramps!
“I was struggling to maintain my blood sugar even though I snacked regularly. I lived in worry that if I did not eat regularly I would crash by the early evening. Sometimes I got bad stomach aches with painful gas. I also dealt with menstrual cramps most months. Now, I have not had a sugar crash since I started coming to the Nutritional Wellness Center! And while I do still snack regularly (though I make different choices about what to eat) I do not have to. I will be hungry by my next meal, but will not be ‘shaky’ or feeling as though I must eat ASAP. I also no longer get menstrual cramps, which is wonderful!”
I Actually Have Headache-Free Days and Restful Nights!
“I am 26 years old. I have suffered from an array of things my whole life. I have seen allergists, audiologists, chiropractors, dermatologists, endocrinologists, gastroenterologists, hypnotherapists, internists, massage therapists, ophthalmologists, otolaryngologists, physical therapists, podiatrists, psychologists, and rheumatologists. I have been tested for just about everything under the sun. My main complaints have been: joint and muscle pain, fatigue, psoriasis, headaches, fainting and dizzy spells, ringing in the ears and chronic ear popping, insomnia, restless leg syndrome, pain associated with endometriosis and fibroids in my uterus, chronic and severe angioedema (swelling due to food allergies), tremors, elevated liver enzymes, eating disorders, and of course depression. I was taken out of gym and sports when I was 14. I had four fibroids removed from my uterus during a c-section when I was 25. For a long time I just thought that this was normal and that everyone feels this way. I had no idea how people could get anything done as I certainly couldn’t. Most days I didn’t even want to get out of bed. Almost all prescribed medicines had more side effects then were helpful. The only thing that kept me going was my family. Now I get out of bed in the morning and know I’m going to have a good day. I can play with my daughter and clean the house. I can shave my legs everyday – with the psoriasis sometimes I would have to wait a full week between shavings. I take my daughter for walks and even go jogging, something I never thought I would be able to do. I actually have headache-free days and restful nights. My hands don’t shake anymore and dizzy spells are few and far between. I have energy and I love being active. Food is still an issue with me, but as long as I stick to the food and supplement plan I don’t have reactions or eat emotionally. I can’t say I’m 100%, but I wouldn’t even know what that would be anyway. I am still healing and every new day is better than the last. I have been sick my whole life so I know it will take time for my body to heal itself. But, with only a few short months on the program, I think I am doing really well!”
I No Longer Need So Much Prescription Medicine!
“I had migraines for the past 8 to 10 years. The past few years the migraines were 4four to five or more days a week. I took prescription medicines to allow me to function on a day-to-day basis and had worked with doctors to find the cause of the migraines or a cure for them. Nothing I tried impacted the headaches and many days I did just what I needed to do to ‘get by.’ It was difficult. Recently my migraines are fewer and farther apart. I went ten days between migraines this last week. It was wonderful to have so many days a week when I truly felt good! I am thankful that I no longer need so much prescription medicine. I am excited to see if continued focus on this path designed by the Nutritional Wellness creates even less frequent migraine. I am so thankful for all the success so far.”
I Can Finally Function Normally Again!
“Before I came to the Nutritional Wellness Center I was always tired, having stomach aches, dizziness, migraines, no appetite, no motivation, depression, anxiety and many more problems. I had gone to many doctors. One even said I was making it up in my head. Finally, I had to take medical leave from school because I could barely function. All I wanted to do was sleep. Then a friend recommended I come to the NWC and I couldn’t believe the change. Now I’m feeling so much better. I wake early almost everyday, my stomach aches are gone, I’m eating again, and I lost weight. I feel so much better that even my motivation has come back and I’m able to return to school. No more depression and anxiety and I can finally function normally again. I still have some headaches, but they have decreased from every day or every few days to once a week. I’m really happy with my results! And can’t wait to feel even better.”
We Are Amazed At All Of The Changes We Have Seen!
“‘Enjoy the Journey” is one of my favorite little quotes. But the fact of the matter is my life journey was getting harder to find enjoyment in! There weren’t any major issues going on, but a lot of minor ones adding up to the straw that broke the camel’s back (almost literally). I was seeing a chiropractor too regularly, but was in so much pain at times that he did x rays, only to tell me my spine was beautiful!!!???? I was sure that he was going to tell me I needed surgery to fix it! This was just one of the final straws that caused me to realize there was something bigger and deeper going on! My husband kept prodding me to get help. He reminded me that though I was ‘used’ to feeling bad, it wasn’t normal for someone to be down and out and unable to function. I had migraines (taking Mt. Dew and Ibuprofen as the cure), had back pain that felt like I was being hit by a truck, had pinching in my neck that shot pain down to my wrist and brought tears to my eyes, had anxiety almost all the time to the point that I felt like I was a wound up rubber band ready to snap, and had pounding pressure in my head after bending over…… so my wellness journey began!
It’s been an answer to prayer. I started seeing a Christian counselor in Ithaca, who after the second session saw that my issues were deeper than what the doctors saw as anxiety that needed antidepressants or another antibiotic for all the sinus infections and UTIs I was getting on a regular basis. She recommended a holistic MD in Athens, PA. After following her recommendations, I was amazed as I saw almost immediate changes. But after two years of feeling better, I started reverting and this scared me! She had recommended the Nutritional Wellness Center in Ithaca, but until I started feeling like I was at a dead end with options, and I started having new issues and old ones coming back, I procrastinated.
By December 2009, I couldn’t take it any longer! The internal issues were coming to the surface, literally! I felt I was starting not to recognize the face looking back at me in the mirror. My face was swollen and my eyes were puffy, and my hair and skin were unbearably greasy. I was gaining weight, and my skin was breaking out terribly on my face, chest, shoulders and back. The breakouts were also sore and itchy. It was time! My husband and I decided to set up appointments to see if the Nutritional Wellness Center could help us. Now, less than one year later, we are amazed at all of the changes we have seen and all we have learned about food, products and their effect on our bodies. It has brought a balance to ourselves/relationship/family. When we follow the advice/plan that has been laid out for us we feel and look so much better! Others usually notice the weight loss and want that for themselves, but to us that is just a bonus to being healthier! I have tried Weight Watchers®, etc. in the past (with weight loss success) but I was always thinking about food and wondering if it was worth it to cheat. With the plan from the Nutritional Wellness Center I am enjoying the benefits of life’s journey again and that makes it easier to stay the course! I now eat to live instead of living to eat! Though I have gone down four-five sizes and lost close to 20 pounds, it’s having the knowledge about why my body does what it does and the guidance and support of the staff at the Nutritional Wellness Center to confirm and follow-up that makes the difference! Thanks, Nutritional Wellness Center!!”
Three Months Later I Had a Positive Pregnancy Test!
“Four years of fertility doctors with no results. My husband and I tried IVIs, IVFs, and everything else but no pregnancy. A friend suggested I see the Nutritional Wellness Center. They found that my liver and gallbladder tested positive for ‘heavy metals’ and they helped me ‘clean house.’ Within eight days I could see a difference. After changing my diet and staying away from heavy metals, three months later I had a positive pregnancy test! We were sooooo happy. I am convinced that the Nutritional Wellness Center helped me find the missing piece. I am a healthy person but now I am a much more aware, healthy person. I wish everyone could share in learning how to eat foods that are good for them and take charge of their health.”
A Perfect, Healthy, Textbook Pregnancy!
“After the majority of my meals, I would feel bloated and uncomfortable. I had a difficult time sustaining energy throughout my workday. As a massage therapist, I use a lot of physical energy and I’d often burn out in the afternoon and completely crash. Now, my most notable experience was my pregnancy, which was fantastic. I had worked with the Nutritional Wellness Center for over a year clearing out systems, building strength in my organs and tissues, and learning good eating habits. This made my pregnancy all the more amazing, because I felt strong, energized and nourished all the way through. I had few cravings, which I think is because my body was getting what it needed. My doctor continued to say it was a ‘perfect, healthy, textbook pregnancy.’ And the best result was my strong, healthy baby who from the beginning, and continues to be, calm, happy and easy.”
After 2½ Months I Have No Itching At All and the Rash Is Gone on 98% of My Body!
“I had visual signs of tinea versicolor rash over 75% of my upper torso – arms, chest, neck and back. I also had a lot of itching in those areas and especially found it hard to sleep because I would feel the itching more at night. The rash would flare up every time I experienced warm humid weather and also when I would sweat. These symptoms were getting worse over a six year period. My doctor told me, ‘Just keep spraying the fungus with Lamisil. You will have this the rest of your life.’ After working with the Nutritional Wellness Center for 2½ months, I have no itching at all and the rash is gone on 98% of my body. I have also noticed my nails growing faster, especially my fingernails. And my toenails are looking healthier and clearer. I have also noticed my hair growing where there was balding occurring on my scalp – WOW! The answer has always been my diet. I wish I knew years ago what I know now from Tara and Aaron. Thank you!”
The Experience Has Been Transformative!
“From about the age of 40 I began to gain weight steadily. Within six years I had ballooned to 300 pounds. I carried that weight for nearly 11 years. The added weight sapped my energy. By the middle of any given afternoon I was tired and ornery. I had lower back pain. My knees and ankles were unreliable. Often just getting out of a chair was painful and occasionally I would lose my balance. I gave up my only exercise: playing racquetball. I used vast amounts of caffeine and sugar to bolster my energy and keep me going until I could get home and simply collapse in front of the television or fall into bed. I had no routine for eating properly, resting or exercising. I sought out chiropractic assistance for my back. My medical doctor placed me under the care of a dietician. The chiropractic treatments relieved my back pain. The dietician reinforced my feelings of guilt about my inability to buy proper food, prepare them properly and enjoy the process. I came to Nutritional Wellness Center in mid-November 2010, at the recommendation of my chiropractor. In a word, the experience has been transformative. So much about food and my bodily metabolism has been de-mystified. In just six months I have dropped 30 pounds. The pain that accompanied standing up or even bending over is entirely gone. I have even experienced nearly complete remission of eczema on my scalp. Although I have not yet begun a consistent routine for exercise, I have more energy throughout the day than I ever had before and my outlook on life is far more optimistic. I still struggle with food shopping and its preparation but I am still vigilant against the seductive lure of wheat and sugar. And to be honest, admitting my faults is easier since keeping a food journal! But I am determined to persevere because I feel great, my friends notice the differences in me, and I know this is the right thing to do!”
My Brown Spots on My Hands are Fading!
“I was eating whatever I wanted all the time, especially treats, and because of that I was overweight. I just got a diagnosis of RA and had been feeling joint soreness every morning and was not recovering from injuries like I used to. The bottom of my feet felt like there was a lump under the balls of my feet. Now, the overall joint soreness in the morning is gone. My eating is much healthier. I’ve lost 23 pounds. I still have some flare-ups, but mostly they are diminished. My singing voice was froggy in my mid-range, but it’s clear now. My brown spots on my hands are fading; I love that. My intestines don’t feel bloated anymore. I am no longer feeling shaky and hungry in between meals and therefore am able to avoid sweets.”